Raising the Walls & Front Panel

Raising the Walls & Adding Front Panel

Having learned a thing or two with the first wall, I constructed the second one a little quicker than the first, and adopted a slightly different technique.  After that, I conned a friend into helping me lift the walls onto the trailer, brace them, and attach them to the floor and trailer frame.  I again used anchor bolts that passed through the floor and in some places the trailer frame as well.

Yes.  That's John helping me with the wall...and a porta-potti that is doubling as a step stool.  All puns intended. (Sorry John, couldn't pass it up.)

The Cree behind our Tundra.  Gives you an idea of the size.

Front Panel

The layout of just about everything in the trailer is based off of the front wall; so we put the front panel on to act as a datum.  This was pretty exciting because the trailer really started to look like something.  

Old Benches - New Wall

Just for fun, I brought the old benches from the dinette from our house (I needed them anyway to begin copying them).  I placed them in the trailer against the front wall to see how close we came to matching the old curvature.  They matched up perfectly!  Sa-weet!

Old dinette benches agains the new wall.  Perfect fit.  
